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Gen. Prem urges people to instil ethics in youngsters

February 27, 2006

Privy Council chairman Prem Tinsulanonda has urged people to instil ethics in youngsters, saying Thailand faces severe moral problems.

But he has refused to comment on politics, saying he is neutral.

The former prime minister called on all to give importance to moral development for youths and to fully support moral teachings by Buddhist monks from Mahamakuta Rajavidyalaya Buddhist University, as youngsters will play an important role in the future.

"Our society is now faced with ethical problems," he said.

"So youth development is a duty of not only Mahamakuta Rajavidyalaya Buddhist University but also all of us in the public and private sectors. We must pay attention and work together for our country's sake."

Gen Prem said children must be given "moral immunity" against wrongdoing, be taught to be honest and grateful to the country, and adhere to the principles of unity and self-sufficient living in line with His Majesty the King's speech, which was the key to national development.

Gen Prem was speaking during yesterday's awards ceremony at Wat Bowon Niwet for outstanding youths taught by monk teachers from the Buddhist university.

After the ceremony, he declined to comment on politics, saying it would be a long speech if he spoke. Asked about yesterday's anti-Thaksin rally and the opposition's reported plan to boycott the coming general election, Gen Prem replied that he must wait and see the rally first.

Ref: Bangkok Post

Prem Tinsulanonda Center for International Education, Chiang Mai, Kingdom of Thailand