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The Statesman Foundation
The Traidhos Foundation
Prem Tinsulanonda • Center for International Education
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General Prem Tinsulanonda Foundation

The Statesman Foundation
Founding Principles of The Statesman Foundation

1. Truth, Honesty, Sacrifice and Loyalty

2. Dedication to your Home land-Thailand

Objectives of The Statesman Foundation

1. To promote truth, Honesty, Sacrifice and Loyalty of the citizens of Thailand

2. To promote and strengthen traditional Thai values and Thai customs.

3. To support and promote Thai Culture to the People throughout the Kingdom of Thailand.

4. To vigorously support and promote traditional Practices-Thai Way of Life.

5. To promote and support government agencies and private sectors that share similar goals.

6. To cooperate and work with other charities to Enhance public benefits-Humanitarian Action.

General Prem Tinsulanonda Foundation
84 U-Thong-Nok Road,
Dusit Bangkok 10300
Kingdom of Thailand

Prem Tinsulanonda Center for International Education, Chiang Mai, Kingdom of Thailand