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Prem: City must care for its poor

In order to be rated a ''healthy city'', Bangkok must try to take good care of its less privileged residents, Privy Council chairman Prem Tinsulanonda said in a speech yesterday. Gen Prem made the speech as he presided over the opening of a two-day fair on the theme of ''Bangkok, A Healthy City''.

In his speech, Gen Prem said city projects and efforts to promote health, education and other qualities of life must aim to benefit all residents equally, regardless of their social status. This is because the quality of a city as a good place to live is determined by the living condition of its inhabitants, he said.

Bangkok, which has been the capital city for more than 200 years, now has a host of problems which must be attended to in earnest. However, he said, with love for their city Bangkokians could help turn it into a better place to live

Ref: Bangkok Post

Prem Tinsulanonda Center for International Education, Chiang Mai, Kingdom of Thailand